
Fun class with Cardio, Strength, and Flexibility

Join us for fun class involving cardio, strength, and stretch.

9:30 am M, T, W, Th, F

5:30 pm M, T, W, Th

Active Older Adult Cardio and Strength

Join us for an AOA class focusing on safely elevating your heart rate and improving your strength.

4:15 pm M

Active Older Adult Chair-based yoga and Tai Chi

Join us for an AOA class that will help improve your mobility from stretching with chairs. This class is good for all ages.

10:45 am W

9:30 am F

Active Older Adult Fun class with Cardio, Strength, and Flexibility

Join us for an AOA fun class to improve your health with strength, cardio, and flexibility

8:30 am M, T, W, Th, F

Active Older Adult Chair-based Cardio and Strength, and Flexibility

Join us for an AOA class focusing on safely elevating your heart rate and improving your strength all with a chair.

10:45 am T, Th